EPNS training course 2013: Paroxysmal episodes

EPNS training course 2013: Paroxysmal episodes Paroxysmal episodes: the seizure, involuntary movement and primary headache disorders; the child with illness behaviour (including psychogenic seizures).

Teaching faculty:
  • Bernhard Schmitt – University Children’s Hospital, Zurich.
  • Lieven Lagae University Hospital Gasthuisberg, Leuven
  • Sameer Zuberi, Royal Hospital for Sick Children, Glasgow
  • Richard Newton, Royal Manchester Children’s Hospital
Full details of venue, program, criteria for attending, costs and bursaries here.

Registration form.

Please send registration form to info@cnsbh.ba.

6.5.2013 - 7.5.2013 - Sarajevo

Stát: Srbsko

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